School of Science and Engineering

Features of the Faculty
New education system of "six courses in one department" enhances specialization and helps each student's dream to come true.
The School of Science and Engineering has instead of separating departments based on adopted the new system of "six courses in one department" to study their narrowly specialized fields. The department is composed of Mechanical Engineering, Electronics and lnformatics, Architecture, Civil Engineering and Urban Design, Human Informatics and Mathematics and Science courses. Thus, every student can study his or her major accordingly to the broad and interlinked educational fields of science and engineering.
In this way, the School enables the students to acquire expertise necessary to realize their ambitions while widening their vision and nurturing their comprehensive skills based on broad education and knowledge. The four-years course is designed to provide the comprehensive support for students to discover and realize their dreams
Educational Goals
Fostering each student who can identify problems and find his or her own solutions while experiencing the joy of creating and understanding its significance, and apply his or her outstanding creativity to meet diverse needs.
To respond to various demands for students, we provide stimulating education programs by dividing classes according to proficiency levels of each student. Through our academic adviser system and small-class system, the School of Science and Engineering focuses on the needs of each student from entrance to graduation, providing support for his or her basic learning, campus life, acquiring of qualifications, and supporting a career. Rather than dealing with only theoretical questions, topics closely related to actual social situations are incorporated actively in our curriculum. To this end, great emphasis is placed on fostering practical skills such as communication skills using foreign languages, and the ability to use computers as a tool. By lecturing students how to identify problems and find their own solutions and to determine their future paths according to their goals while feeling the significance and joy of creating, the School of Science and Engineering aims to foster highly creative human resources who can flexible respond to the diverse needs of the advancing society.
Department of Science and Engineering
Focusing on science and engineering technology in the increasingly diverse and sophisticated society of the 21st century, the School of Science and Engineering pursues further profound and thorough educational system through the new “six courses in one department” system. The Mechanical Engineering course fosters highly creative human resources who can form the backbone of industrial society through practical, project-oriented classes providing hands-on experience of mechanical engineering, which forms the basis of machine manufacturing. The Electronics and Informatics course lectures the basics of electronic engineering and information engineering to foster technicians who can respond flexibly to new technologies and needs to create a pleasant environment. The Architecture course lectures creative design skills, knowledge of technologies, urban and regional architecture, and living environment and architectural design to foster highly adaptive human resources. The Civil Engineering and Urban Design course aims to cultivate planners, designers and engineers who will contribute to the next generation. Human Informatics Course offers education in the research areas of “Life and Sports Informatics” and “Medical Informatics,” based on information processing technologies centering on ICT skills. Students learn sports and health science in the former area and medical information science and medical engineering in the latter. We develop human resources who can play active roles in the fields of sports, health and medical services, informatics as well as engineering. The Mathematics and Science course provides students with comprehensive scientific understanding based on themes such as “Mathematics,” “From Elementary Particles to the Universe,” and “The Earth” fostering the flexible ability to society.