Faculty of Political Science and Economics

Features of the Faculty
A department that offers various special subjects and courses which allow students to acquire extensive knowledge and well education and to succeed globally.
The Political Science and Economics Department consists of two majors: Political Administration and Economics. Aiming to foster international leaders, each major offers a diversity of course models. Students learn about the culture and politics of different countries in “International Relations and Area Studies Course”; practical trading in “International Economics Course”; many other courses are also being offered. The department provides such study environment to foster individuals who can utilize their special knowledge in politics and economics to solve problem flexibly.
Educational Goals
To offer a high level of specialized education while at the same time enabling interdisciplinary studies across a widerange of related fields, in order to foster talented individuals equipped with an inquisitive intellect, a keen perception,and a broad vision.
In our increasingly complex contemporary society, solutions to many problems have become impossible to grasp in their entirety from the perspective of politics or economics alone. The future demands a more flexible thinking, a more acute perception , and a broader perspective and experience. To foster the talented individuals our future demands, individuals capable of creatively integrating fields that can not be understood inisolation from one another (i.e. politics, economics, and business administration, and law), the Faculty of Political Science and Economics has established a curriculum that enables an interdisciplinary approach to learning-one that allows students to select courses in their major field that are offered by faculties and departments other than their own, and to design a course of study tailored to their own area of specialization and research interests. Moreover, the Faculty has worked to create an environment that stresses the practical and experiential aspects of education in order to give students confidence in their ability to be actively engaged in society. Students are given opportunities to interact with international students too, as well as with older and more mature students, providing increased chances for growth as members of society and citizens of the world.
Department of Political Science and Public Administration
The outstanding feature of the Department of Political Science and Public Administration is the opportunity it provides to study the social sciences as a whole,centering the subjects related to political science and public administration. The goal is to encourage creative thinking and open-mindedness in individuals who will in the future bear responsibility as either local or national government officials, or educators. It will focus on the comprehensive study of domestic, international, and regional politics, and will be supplemented by broader studies in economics, business administration,and law. Students completing the Politics and Human Society Course will be active in politics and business; those completing the Public Administration and Civil Service Course go on to careers in government or NPO. And also those completing the International Relations and Area Studies Course go on to careers in global corporations, the media and journalism.
Department of Economics
Our curriculum enables systematic studies of economic theories and history, and the development of an international perspective.It is flexible respecting to student individuality, providing each student with opportunities to acquire observational and analytical abilities required for accurate understanding of the essential economic phenomena of our rapidly changing international society and to foster the capacity to deal with a wide range of economic issues. This is a career track for individuals interested in working in trading companies, financial institutions, manufacturers,the media, or government agencies. Further training might also pave the way for them to become specialists such as economic analysts and consultants.