Faculty of Business

Features of the Faculty
The Faculty of Business equips students with comprehensive management skills—from theory and practice of corporate administration to skills in business management and decision making. Moreover, our program features practical courses taught by corporate executives.
Kokushikan University launched its Faculty of Business in April 2011 as an independent school affiliated with the Department of Business Administration, which was established in 1962 within Kokushikan’s Faculty of Political Science and Economics. With the rapid globalization of economic activities in recent years, we have entered an era where managerial resources, such as people, goods, funds, and information, freely traverse national borders. In such an era as this, companies do not automatically guarantee extensive careers as they did in earlier times. What working adults need today is employability and skills that are in demand, and these need to be developed on campus during the four years of university study. The Faculty of Business offers career education throughout its curriculum and equips students with the skills needed to be socially and vocationally independent throughout their lives by further enhancing their credentials at their own initiative after graduation.
Educational Goals
In the knowledge-based society of the 21st century, the corporate environment is constantly changing. The Faculty of Business aims to have students master core skills for businesspeople through practical courses where they engage in developing and testing hypotheses. In addition, our businessadministration education fosters diligence and altruism, traditional Japanese virtues that have come into decline.
Drawing on the model of “core skills for working adults” set forth by Japan’s Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry, Kokushikan’s “core skills for businesspeople” refers to the core business knowledge and skills needed to be an outstanding executive in today’s business community. The educational philosophy of Kokushikan is mastery of “sincerity, industriousness, insight, and spiritual strength,” which is the university’s precept, through ceaselessly pursuing the three principles of “reading, experience, and reflection”. This philosophy can be recast in today’s parlance as developing the ability to take action, to think matters through, and to engage in teamwork— the three core skills for working adults—through “reading, experience, and reflection.” With an eye to training up well-rounded professionals, the Faculty of Business offers career education throughout its curriculum and equips students with the skills needed to be socially and vocationally independent by further enhancing their credentials at their own initiative after graduation.
Department of Business
By learning practical business management strategies, students develop practical, real-world skills. Courses in information technology are geared to business administration and to accounting practices responsive to a corporate world increasingly globalized and informatized. Exemplified by a course on the mechanisms of the stock market that was developed in cooperation with a major securities company, one of the major goals of our program is acquisition of comprehensive management skills and decision- making ability, through the study of both theoretical knowledge and practical techniques. Graduates immediately join the top ranks of consulting firms, financial institutions, corporations, and research centers.